Christina 來信說 Sorry, Paochen and Teresa
I am sorry I have not said anything for a while
but my life has been chaotic since we moved...
Teresa 來信說 hi Paochen and Christina
I do not have many news from Wuppertal, I am afraid.
Everything is pretty much the same as when you both left
(well, Winter ist nearly here...)
Guenter 來信說 Hello Paochen
for me the strange months continued: me and sports – unbelievable!
But even my vacations followed this new life,
and (don’t be envious) I was so lucky to have a lot of vacation....
Shelly 來信說 dear Paochen....
拜訪了兩個老城Bad Muenstereifel und Monschau,及Rursee.....
Laura 來信說 Hallo老師,
雖說室內有暖氣,我還是覺得有點冷. 早上賴床有好理由了!
而 Juergen 最常說的是 it's time to have vacations or hibernation.....
秋去冬來 朋友們的訊息告訴我
怎麼才一會兒我已回來三個多月 !?
我的花園裡不僅雜草叢生 在深秋早冬的霜雪寒浸之下更顯灰敗蒼涼
去年屋旁Gaudigweg上金燦紅豔的秋葉 霜降之後讓村子一夕白頭的第一場大雪
樹的姿態 花的色彩 一片田野的起伏 一條小溪的吟唱
在這個總是有點紛亂 經常吵嚷 缺乏空間留白 沒有季節的地方
對生活 我得努力維持一點熱情及投入